Tooth Whitening Gel

Welcome to Carlita's Closet!

I’m back! & Carlita’s Closet is 2!

I’m back! & Carlita’s Closet is 2!

Well as you may or may not have noticed I have just not been publishing on my blog or on my Instagram very much but I am here to tell you all why that has been the case. I went through a very weird emotional time this summer and life really got put back into perspective for me to realize it truly does not matter how many likes I am gaining or how many followers I have but to truly embrace life and live in the moment (aka off my phone). This was such a big transition for a girl who was honestly Instagram addicted and still is to some degree but one I needed to take && needed to take seriously in order to get back into my positive lifestyle.

To say this summer has been an emotional rollercoaster would be very accurate. From the depressing start of the summer of loosing my baby Bruiser who was 15 years old and truly a family member. I honestly have no closure over the situation because I have no idea what happened to him or if he is still with us and to be honest this really threw me off my rocker. This dog had gotten me through so many ups and downs since loosing my father 15 years ago up through the crazy years of high school & college, to being the only one in Philadelphia I knew when I moved here 5 years ago. I kind of mentioned all this in my post about social media breaks but I realized it went even deeper than just taking a break. It was truly re-assessing my life and taking time to honestly live in the moment and become grateful again. One thing I did to help reinforce my gratefulness was to write down three things everyday I was grateful for, you can always find something even on your worst days.

This funky mood I was in followed me to July as I was just brushing it off when Spencer & I took a trip to St. John’s in the Virgin Islands which is one of my favorite and highly recommended places to visit! The grounding I received from a week away from work, in my dream place was exactly what my soul ordered and it was topped off when Spencer popped the question on our third day there! I was so shocked and honesty a month later I still cannot believe we are engaged. It was so magical and he got me so good thinking we were simply posing for a photo on the beach and then bam! I have been enjoying the moment of being engaged & again this just showed me what is truly important in life is those who surround you, support you, and love you.

Then a big factor that has also been a reason for my absence on the blog/Instagram is my fulfillment I have found this last year at work. Not that I did not enjoy what I did for 7 years prior to this in retail sales && I would never have found my passion to start this blog without those years but now I truly have a job where I am happy with what I am doing everyday and to be honest when I come home I just want to relax. It has been a blessing and a curse to have weekends off because I am enjoying doing things but I also feel like I am not as productive at home or on the blog like I was when I had Monday’s off.

All of this has made me realize I used to use this platform as a place to find that fulfillment I was missing from my day job but now I truly believe in the company I work for and the career path I have chosen. That being said I will start to truly use this place as one to connect with you all because that has been the biggest gift this blog has brought me is connections within the Philly & PA influencer/blogger network with amazing people I would not have met otherwise!

Again I just want to thank you all for taking the time to stick along on my inconsistent journey & I hope this post can resonate with someone else out there who needed that reminder to live life in the moment & do what is best for you when it is best for you.

xoxo Carlita

Addison Bay

Addison Bay

Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth

Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth