Carlita's Closet

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Quarantine Mindset Tips

Well to be honest it has taken me a whole month just to be semi inspired & motivated to get back to focusing on this blog and things other than the current situation we are all living through with COVID-19. Every single one of our lives have been impacted and some of us are struggling more than ever before, I want you to know you are not alone. However we will all get through this, we are all struggling to find peace just staying home, and it is okay to not be okay sometimes. This time has been eye opening for everyone and it is something we will never forget. I am choosing to acknowledge I am afraid of the uncertainty of the situation but I am determined to control the purpose I am waking up with each day.

Well Monday was a very special day to me it was my 26th birthday! I am one of those people who celebrates their birthday for a whole week and does a count down- however this year things just felt totally different. It was a much different birthday than ever before and honestly felt like so many people were reaching out with love but it was so sad to not be able to physically be with those besides Spencer.

I had to remind myself what we can control during this time is how we are thinking and approaching our reactions. We have been given the gift of time together and I am thankful to have Spencer and the pups to get me through this as well as my world of virtual support I am blessed with. One thing that has been helping me in particular is writing at least three things a day I am grateful for at the beginning of the day to start the day off on a positive note. We are also super thankful for our house and the fact that I am still able to work from home.

When this is all said and done with are you going to look back on this time and be proud of what you have personally accomplished? This is why I am choosing now more than ever before to share with you all how truly living a positive lifestyle will help shape every single intention that runs through your mind and quiet those negative thoughts.

Some Mindset Tips to keep on hand:

  1. We are all facing tough times- if you are struggling or afraid it is OK. Reach out to someone I guarantee the overwhelming feeling of thinking you are going through this alone will diminish and you will find someone to be your sound board. I have my work people to reach out to when that is getting stressful, my girlfriends to simply vent with, and my family which are my biggest cheerleaders.

  2. Working from home is nice but this being at home during a crisis trying to work which is totally different. Be honest with yourself when you need a break, my boss Courtney gave me the great idea to do 50 minutes of work and 10 minutes off to simply scroll the gram, get up and walk around your house, take the dogs out etc. Whatever you need to get back and be productive for those next 50 minutes of work at a time.

  3. We are in this for the long haul so get comfortable with your work at home surroundings, and still do stuff you would in “normal” routines like get ready and doing your AM or PM exercise.

  4. Always have a plan b. Money causes so much of our daily stresses even under normal circumstances when a rug gets pulled out from underneath your family it is sadly eye opening that my household can’t even miss one pay check without being extremely impacted. We just do not have the safety nets that other generations have had due to the increase of living and school loan costs. I am SO grateful at this time to be partnered with a network marketing company that can be that extra bonus I need week to week especially in a situation like this. If you are open to learning more about what I am doing or who with I would be more than happy to share!

  5. Tell someone you are here for them- everyday we should be a making a conscious effort to reach out to those we care about. You literally never know who just might need to hear a “Hey how are you doing?” more than ever before.

  6. Stay positive at all cost-even in the worst situations we live through and experience there is always a silver lining that can be found or a lesson to learn from. Make sure you are cherishing those daily.

Any tips on how you are staying sane during this uncertain time??

xoxo Carlita