Carlita's Closet

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Short & Sweet

Just like me, my blog will be short, sweet tonight but also pretty raw tonight. I have been so busy this month between my new job, driving back home for two weekends, and attending multiple events I cannot wait to post more about. While it has been fun to be constantly on the go, I did get down and out last week for two days with an awful stomach virus that I caught for the second time this winter. It was one of those situations where I was like just my luck, I was just feeling really confident in my new position at work & ready to come home and write multiple blog posts when bam. Sometimes your body has a strange way of telling you what is most important to focus on. Which is definitely my health, both physically and mentally. 

I am so grateful to now have weekends off but it’s crazy how fast they fly by! I guess it is cause no one had off on Mondays and Tuesdays like I used to I am soaking up all the missed years of weekends doing normal things like brunch & seeing friends you haven’t seen in a while. So if I am spending a little less time on the blog I am sorry but it is only because I have been enjoying the blessing of time I have been given. Not to mention making the most of it by meeting up with fellow blogger babes, having more date nights with my man, and attending things I never got the chance to before because I always worked weekends. 

When it is not the weekend I am simply still trying to get used to the balance of my new career. Being an IT recruiter it is something I never thought I would be taking on but I have definitely found a passion for it. I also do the client side of things which involves getting accounts of my own and that is what I really enjoy. The skills I’m learning in this position translate to everything in life which is kind of crazy. I am also gaining a ton of knowledge and confidence which is a plus in any situation. However, when I get home and take the train in and out of the city I just want to relax when I get home & completely unplug. I know you all can relate to this feeling of just wanting to catch up but also realizing that some things just take priority. 

So today’s post is no outfit shares, nothing other than hey I am trying to get back into the swing of things and I really appreciate you all who have stuck around to follow my journey ❤️ Enjoy some of my favorite selfies recently, inspirations, and random picks.

