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Flash Back Friday: This goes to all the single ladies out there!

Flash Back Friday: This goes to all the single ladies out there!

Sharing this old post from my first ever fashion blog; originally posted February 14th 2014. Although I am no longer single I have never been into the commercialized holiday of Valentine’s Day  even when in a relationship. Love me everyday, spoil me at random, don’t let Hallmark tell you when you need to do that. 

Well Happy Valentine's day, time for our instagram, twitter, and Facebook newsfeeds to be bombarded with displays of affection on this wonderful holiday. However, for those of us who don't have anyone to shower us with Tiffany jewelry this year, (which I quite frankly think is ugly) it's time for most of us to eat our own body weight in mini cupcakes.

As a single girl on Valentine's day I think a couple things are important to do in order to keep your sanity during this one day of what can feel like extreme loneliness:

First off remember that you are NOT alone! There are many singles enjoying Valentine's day this year they just might not be as prominent as the couples you see everywhere. It takes more confidence to walk into a room alone today than it does with a date.

Secondly, just own it being single has a lot of perks and I feel as though these get totally pushed under the rug on Vday. For example always being able to pick what you want to watch on TV, in a relationship that is something that almost always has to be compromised over. Who needs a boyfriend when you can watch the Bachelor all you want?

My last bit of advice for Valentine's day if you're a single lady out there go ahead and flaunt what you've got today. Dressing up for yourself today will help give you the confidence you need to not want to kill your girlfriends who have "the best boyfriend in the world" and will also help you stand out in a crowd. Who knows your special someone could be playing in a band at your favorite bar tonight or the barista at Starbucks.

Just Smile

Just Smile

Morning Light

Morning Light